(All deadlines close at 23:59 IST)
India HCI 2021 invites proposals to conduct courses aligned with the theme of this year’s conference: “Design for Disruption” (please see the main conference page to know more about the theme). Courses are a great way to introduce new audiences to specific topics in HCI and potentially excite more people about HCI research. (The exact modalities of the conference (online / offline / hybrid) will be communicated in due course.)
The organisers encourage courses aligned with the theme of this edition of the conference. However, other themes of interest to the HCI community are welcome as well.
Courses are usually delivered in a lecture mode, with optional hands-on components, where the instructor(s) introduce the course materials and go reasonably deep into the subject. The audience is not expected to have a background on the subject. The course is intended to motivate the audience to take an interest in the subject matter and study the subject in-depth and start conducting research in the area. Courses might cover areas like research methods, design methods, engineering, etc.
At the conference: Accepted Courses with the minimum number of 5 registered participants will be included in the conference. If a course does not attract a minimum number of participants, the course might be dropped. Course coordinators will receive a remuneration based on India HCI policies.
Archiving: Course proposals will not be archived and all rights pertaining to the proposal will rest with the course coordinators. India HCI will reserve the right to use the course proposal for promotion and record keeping purposes.
Please feel free to get in touch with the chairs with any questions, or to bounce your ideas via email on courses_workshop[at]indiahci[dot]org. In case you do not want to submit a course proposal yourself, but want to see some courses at India HCI 2021, please feel free to write to us with suggestions.
Course Registration Fees for Organisers: At least one course coordinator is expected to register for the conference
(All deadlines close at 23:59 IST)