Posters and Demos Chairs

Nilakshi Yein


Seema Krishnakumar

IIT Hyderabad

Posters and Demos

Submission Deadline (August 27, 2023) is closed.

Posters and Demos

Posters and Demonstrations at India HCI 2023 will showcase your novel implementations, interaction designs, concepts, techniques, devices, or systems to a wider audience at the conference and provide opportunities to interact with each other. We welcome posters, demonstrations & interactivity prototypes from students and researchers in all stages of their careers.

Topics of relevance include but are not limited to:

Poster and demo submissions are encouraged that explore recent research works, strongly relevant results of work in progress, or successful systems and applications, in all areas related to HCI. Researchers must clearly describe the relevance of the research work to the HCI community, its rationale, and its potential in the submission. Demos are expected to be brief and robust enough to be shown repeatedly for effective interaction.

You are encouraged to submit interesting:

  • Functional prototypes of devices or systems
  • Games, innovative user experiences 
  • Mobile and wearable applications and services
  • Toolkits and prototyping techniques for interfaces
  • Interactive art/design and immersive media technologies
  • Any implementation, prototype design using web or device or even materials or physical demonstrations
  • Experiences addressing the conference’s main theme, “HCI for Enabling Creativity.”

All papers should be submitted electronically to India HCI Electronic Submission site through Microsoft CMT by August 27, 2023.

Abstract Submission Format and Length

We will adopt the templates from ACM Microsoft Word Template, LaTeX Template, or Overleaf. We recommend a 1-3 page single column without references.

For posters

  • The poster submission should include a PDF/PNG document.
  • Full-size poster design in PDF to be displayed on the web.
  • Recommended physical size is 1200 mm × 718 mm.
  • Download Poster Template (AI) and Poster Template (PPT)
  • Authors need to bring the physical poster.

For demos

  • The demo submission should include a PDF document describing the envisioned setup and interaction (demo hardware components, tables, chairs, lights, and other equipment) so that organizers get a good understanding of your setup. This will also allow the organizers to better consider your requirements when organizing the demonstration space at the venue.
  • A (unlisted option) link of YouTube video less than 5 minutes ( should be submitted, which will show the working demo in appropriate detail). It will be published on the conference website.
  • We recommend a resolution of 1080p (1920 x 1080) or 4k (3840 x 2160 px), encoded as MP4 using the H.264 codec.

Important notes

  • Please use original images, videos, and voice recordings for the final video submissions. In case of external content (photos, videos, sounds, or music) is used, with appropriate permission or open license, it must be credited to the source at the end of the video.
  • In case authors would like to have an additional extended abstract published, they can submit an up to six-page description with reference in extended abstract format (maximum file size is 10 Mb). Plagiarism must naturally be avoided.

Presentation format

  • At least one author is requested to present their demo/ poster during the sessions and to speak with conference attendees.              
  • Accepted demos must additionally submit a 30-second teaser video, which will be incorporated into a demo reel available to conference attendees. 
  • Authors are requested to prepare Eight minutes podium presentation on the poster content.

ACM paper format master template

Sample demonstrations from other conferences/ links

Reviewing and Selection Process

Submission interests to posters and demos will go through a rigorous curation process, and selections will be based on originality, significance, and validity. For accepted posters or demonstrations, the chairs will provide details and recommendations for presentation format and logistical arrangement. Accepted demonstrations will get early access to the venue and technical setup before the conference.

  • Posters/Demos are juried by the India HCI demo chairs, and there is no rebuttal phase.
  • Due to the nature of the juried process, authors will not receive review feedback and will only be informed about the decision.


Poster /Demo submissions are not anonymous. Author names and institutions will be visible to the reviewing committee throughout the submission process.

Novelty of work

Re-submission of posters/demos previously shown at other venues is allowed.


  • In case the extended abstract is accepted for publication, authors will be communicated through email.
  • Non-archival ideas presented as an India HCI 2023 demo/ poster can be resubmitted as an extended full paper in subsequent years.

Submission for Authors of Accepted Papers

Accepted papers that include interactive experiences are granted a place in the demo session by default. We highly encourage all authors of demo-able papers to make use of this opportunity to showcase their work and connect with the attendees. For full paper authors, we provide a more light-weight demo submission process: to indicate that the accepted paper will be accompanied by a demo, authors will submit the presentation plan(s), demo video, and the submission number of the paper. 

For questions, please email the Posters and Demos Chairs:

Important Dates

  • August 27, 2023: Submission deadline
  • September 24, 2023: Acceptance notification
  • November 14, 2023: Final Camera-ready versions due and at least one author must register for the conference

(All deadlines close at 23:59 IST)