Registration Deadline: 23rd Nov

Please Note: All participants in the “workshop & courses track” are required to bring laptops/tablets and sketchpads (digital/physical)/notebooks.

Course : Crafting Customer Centric Design Frameworks for Digital Transformation

Instructor: Sukanto Roy

The workshop modelled course will focus on the five strategic areas of digital transformation that are customers, competition, data, innovation, and value. We will create canvases and journey maps with systems thinking ecosystem mapping and blue ocean strategy to understand and map the journeys of CUSTOMER CENTRICITY and their KPI’s, Behaviour analysis and Framework development. We will touch upon and understand the basic process of BUSINESS ECOSYSTEM MAPPING through business analysis to cloud-based app development, advanced data analytics and software quality assurance, role of designers and HCI specialists in the automotive, aerospace, railway, defence, energy, banking, and insurance industries to deliver multiple successful digital transformation projects, with robust KPIs.