Submit your Demo Proposals

Posters and Demonstrations at India HCI 2022 will showcase your novel implementations, interaction designs, concepts, techniques, devices or systems to a wider audience at the conference and provide opportunities to interact with each other. To bring effective interactions, demo’s expected to be brief, and robust enough to be shown repeatedly. You are encouraged to submit any implementation, prototype design using web or device or even materials or physical demonstrations.

Submission interests to posters and demos will go through a rigorous curation process and selections will be based on originality, significance and validity. For accepted posters or demonstrations, the chairs will provide details, recommendations for presentation format and logistical arrangement. Accepted demonstrations will get early access to the venue, technical setup before the conference.

For questions please email the Demo chairs:

Extended Submission Deadline
  • Submission deadline: October 02, 2022
  • Acceptance notification: October 12, 2022
  • Camera-ready versions due: October 20, 2022

A mentoring session is planned with track chairs on October 29th 9:30 am IST. Those who are interested can mail to for an invite.

(All deadlines close at 23:59 IST)
Submission Information

Theme: Appropriate Design

  • At India HCI 2022 we wish to put the Appropriate Design principles into focus, with the aim of creating more inclusive design and technology which makes the world a better place.
  • The conference is a platform to discuss & debate ideas that will help us create a better world and be prepared for such unforeseen disruptions.
  • More details at

Submission Platform

  • All materials must be submitted electronically to google form before the submission deadline.

Demo/Poster Abstract

  • We will adopt the templates from ACM Microsoft Word Template, LaTeX Template, or Overleaf
  • We recommend a 1-3 page single column without references.

For demos

  • The demo submission should include a PDF document describing the envisioned setup and interaction (demo hardware components, tables, chairs, lights, and other equipment) so that organizers get a good understanding of your setu
  • This will also allow the organizers to better consider your requirements when organizing the demonstration space at the venue.
  • A (unlisted option) link of youtube video less than 5mints ( should be submitted which will show the working demo in appropriate detail)
  • It will be published on the conference website
  • We recommend a resolution of 1080p (1920 x 1080) or 4k (3840 x 2160 px), encoded as MP4 using the H.264 codec

Submission Format and Length

For poster

  • The poster submission should include a PDF/png document.
  • Full-size poster design in PDF to be displayed on the web.
  • Recommended physical size is less than 30 X 40 inches (76 X 101 cm)
  • Either portrait or landscape


  • Poster /Demo submissions are not anonymous. Author names and institutions will be visible to the reviewing committee throughout the submission process.

Selection Process

  • Posters/Demos are juried by the India HCI demo chairs, and there is no rebuttal phase
  • Due to the nature of the juried process, authors will not receive review feedback and will only be informed about the decision


  • Non-archival, ideas presented as a India HCI 2022 demo can be resubmitted as an extended full paper in subsequent years

Presentation Format

  • At least one author is requested to present their demo during demo sessions and to speak with conference attendees

Novelty of Work

  • Resubmission of poster/demos previously shown at other venues is allowed.

Sample Demonstrations from other conferences

Posters & Demos Chairs

Seema Krishnakumar

IIT Hyderabad


Tokyo Institute of Technology