Call for Hosting India HCI 2025

India HCI is an annual conference that provides a platform for designers, design academicians, students, industry and start-up partners, and other HCI-based design enthusiasts to meet and discuss their interests. In the past, it has always been organised in cooperation with the ACM SIGCHI. The conference attracts an interdisciplinary audience from both design and engineering disciplines. It offers a variety of submission tracks, such as Papers, Student Research Consortium, Student Design Consortium, Industry Presentations, and Posters & Demos, as well as Workshops, Courses, and Out of India track catering for attendees from both academics and industry. This multi-track format of the India HCI conference includes talks, presentations, panel discussions, exhibitions, and demos. The conference is typically held between October and December, taking three full days.

The India HCI Steering Committee is accepting proposals for hosting and organising the India HCI conference in 2025. Please submit the proposal via email at and the deadline for proposal submission is 30th June 2024. The India HCI Steering Committee will make the final decision in July 2024. The selected host for the conference will be publicly announced during the closing ceremony of the India HCI conference 2024. Additionally, thank-you and reminder emails to all the participants of the India HCI conference 2024 and all the members of HCIPAI will also include the announcement.

Proposal Outline 

The proposal for hosting and organising the India HCI conference in 2025 should primarily address the following three key aspects. 

  1. First, briefly explain the proposers’ motivation for hosting and organising the next India HCI conference in 2025.
  2. Secondly, briefly describe who the proposers are, including affiliations and relevant experience and expertise. This should include a short bio of the general co-chairs from the organising institution or institutions (if a joint proposal of two institutions, one institution as host organiser and another institution as a co-organizer) committed to working with the India HCI Steering Committee in organising the conference. While we encourage proposers to approach people who have taken on one or more of these roles in the past, we also encourage them to bring in a good balance of new people. We suggest that proposers approach former and current general chairs of India HCI conferences if they have any specific questions to make the proposal stronger. 
  3. Finally, the proposal should detail the proposers’ preparation for hosting the conference and how they plan to make it a success that promotes equality, diversity and accessibility. This should include the following points in addition to any other relevant details:
  • The theme of the India HCI conference 2025. Why the given theme, and how it makes this proposal stronger?
  • Proposed venue and its advantages.
  • Multiple sets of potential conference dates (preferably between mid-October to December) when the host institute has committed to supporting the conference.
  • How the proposers plan to manage the conference, starting from the formation of the organising committee, finalising relevant information (including deadlines) for the call for papers and conference registration, finalising details for the conference website, and inviting keynote speakers. This should also include an overview of the tentative budget distribution and potential sponsors.
  • Most importantly, the host institute’s ability to manage the logistics and administration to accommodate three days of the multi-track conference. The logistics primarily include the availability of at least one main conference hall to accommodate all attendees (200+) and up to 4 seminar halls for parallel sessions with audio-visual facilities and a WiFi network to support remote participation. Space and facilities to support gatherings for exhibitions, coffee breaks, lunch, and banquets. Guest house, hotels (or similar facilities nearby) for national and international delegates. Residential facility for student volunteers. This may also include references to previous experiences of organising similar events as the host institution.
  • While the organisers will have a lot of freedom to organise the conference, the India HCI Steering Committee will help the organisers with key tasks such as creating the budget, finalising the papers chairs and keynote speakers, and tracking the conference timeline. The proposers must commit to working with the India HCI Steering Committee and being transparent in their presentation of their organisation of the conference to the Committee. The proposers must commit to reporting to the India HCI Steering Committee and participate in the India HCI Steering Committee meetings regularly. The India HCI Steering Committee meets at least once a month and, at times, more often, depending on the need. Currently, most meetings are virtual, though, in the past, we have organised in-person meetings when opportunities arise.